sexist movie?
it seems to me that all the male characters are portrayed with caricature personalities
shareit seems to me that all the male characters are portrayed with caricature personalities
shareShht! Only stories about men "oppressing" women can be sexist. Women are never sexist. The idea of a woman being so independent that she doesn't need a man is healthier for little girls than Cinderella. When society collapses - as it did in Rome and Greece when women took over, these independent women will be thrown back into the dangerous clutches of nature herself and god help them... because they will have pushed men too far away to do anything.
shareWhen society collapses - as it did in Rome and Greece when women took over, these independent women will be thrown back into the dangerous clutches of nature herself and god help them... because they will have pushed men too far away to do anything.
Surely as a man, you're not afraid of a little competition.
If you're happy and you know it, go sit in the corner and think about your life.
It's not because he's afraid of a little competition as a man. It's because of his inferior reasoning that he's afraid of competition. Seems like the kind of person that gets taken advantage of quite a bit.
shareWow. Somebody has been turned down a lot of times...
It don't matter if it's raining
Nothing can phase me
I make my own sunshine
And if you think you can break me
Baby, you're crazy
I make my own sunshine
So what? We as man are superior. We love to laugh at our little imperfections. Better if they are stereotyped. Who cares. Burp!
shareIt is the most dirty Pixar film ever made.
shareWell, the film was a little "dirty" for an animated film & a PIXAR film...
shareJust imagine the outcry if all the women in the movie had been depicted as bumbling half-wit slobs.
shareMeh. This movie doesn't paint female characters as highly intelligent either. Elinor clings on to femininity so much that she fails to realize how delicate femininity truly is. "A princess does this"/"A princess doesn't do that". At the end of the film she realizes how dumb she sounded and that she should've let Merida be her own person, even if she was a little masculine in her actions.
Merida, while being smart enough to figure out the witch's riddle and daring to rival her archery components, wasn't entirely smart. I mean she trusted a witch's potion, from a witch who hides that she performs spells and pretends to be a woodcarver. That can't possibly be strange! Not to mention, she leaves the cake for her brothers. And even though she's not smart, she can be bratty and fails to realize how privileged she is to be in a family with such high social ranking. Any guy will swoon over her, her parents are the King and Queen, and Merida is a "princess".
Also, the lady with the large breasts who constantly screams, was pretty dumb. I mean she sees 3 harmless bears and she keeps knocking into stuff. And she doesn't do anything else in the film but look dumb and keep screaming.
Fergus was actually kinda smart. He lost his leg during battle which shows his dedication and bravery. Fergus understands that Merida is being her true self and doesn't care if she doesn't act like a "princess", and he's pretty understanding of Elinor.
I guess you could argue Merida's brothers are kinda dumb but they're precocious. I mean they're little kids and mischievous. What did you expect?
I don't really care for this movie, but none of the major characters were surface-level for me, even the male cast.
But none of these women did anything which changed or compromised their attractiveness. The men in this movie... Merida's suitors for instance caricatures to make them unattractive. Being part of the most undesirable sex takes a toll on your self-worth... especially when Disney - a trusted source of fairy tales for boys and girls wants to make the world see you and your gender as unattractive as can be.
Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.
Yep, so unattractive that 3 out of 5 (out 4 if you discount Pixar) of the most recent Disney royals ended up with guys.