
Was Mother purposely poisoning her son to keep him "stupid"? I ask because I thought it was odd how determined she was that he take his medicine and how frustrated she became when he didn't finish it. Plus, I have to question if the reason he started to remember was due to the length of time he was in jail and not the fight.

Anyone else think this? I came her purposely to find what other's thought and was surprised to find out there's no discussion on it.


after the son recollected his memory of her mother having tried to poison him, later the mom talks to her friend 'how can he remember what happened when he was five.. the life was so difficult to endue.. does he even realize how much effort i gave him after that, trying to give him all the good medicines'

this is how i remembered the dialogue to be. so the liquid medicine she was providing her son was for a good purpose.

but also it is very possible, as you have pointed out, that the medicine was ,unlike what she said it to be, maybe something that is bad, something interrupting with his memory. Sibce the influence of the mother is rather negative, a distorted motherly love... maybe it has a symbolycal meaning demonstrating her distorted love in a way that what she believes to be good is not really helping her son in the movie.
