Mother OR I saw the devil?
Both are Korean Masterpieces, I prefer Mother just a little though, which one did you thought was better?
shareBoth are Korean Masterpieces, I prefer Mother just a little though, which one did you thought was better?
shareBoth deal with entirely different symbols and themes. I find them incomparable for the most part...but when it comes to preference, I would probably agree with you on Mother.
Another brilliant Korean Revenge film is The Chaser, which is very similar to I Saw The Devil. I like The Chaser more because I think the development of the main character is largely more significant and the serial killer is more haunting in theory (I say in theory because Choi Min Sik is an incredible actor in I Saw The Devil and he occupies my nightmares).
Are you a Park fan out of wonder?
I didn't like I Saw The Devil very much while Mother was totally amazing.
shareEasily Mother. Devil is a visceral gut-punch of a movie but doesn't have a single brain cell in its gorgeous blood-soaked body. Mai Yamane!
shareI Saw The Devil, but just barely.
I saw the devil is better.When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...
I Saw the Devil, because I liked the cinematography and the vengeance theme.
shareAlthough I loved Mother...I think I saw the Devil is better...mainly because of the bad guy in ISTD. Really hard to compare the two...Mother was kind of a mystery movie while ISTD was pretty much non-stop action.
shareI really liked Mother, but I couldn't watch more than 10 minutes of "I Saw the Devil". Way, way too violent for me.
Jim Hutton: talented gorgeous hot hunk; adorable as ElleryQueen; SEXIEST ACTOR EVER