Would an American Mother do that?
I doubt it. Most white American mothers lost touch with their motherly instincts. They are much easier get estranged with their offspring.
shareI doubt it. Most white American mothers lost touch with their motherly instincts. They are much easier get estranged with their offspring.
shareI'm not a mother but I would, for my family. The life of someone I don't know means little to me in comparison to someone I love. I think most people American or not would feel the same way and do the same thing.
shareIs this a serious question? If you are american, then you are a disgrace to our country. This question is blatant racism and is even more ridiculous/stupid than others on this board asking "So who actually committed the murder?".
Motherly love is world wide. Skin color is not relevant to motherly love. I cannot name one culture in which you would find no mother willing to break laws for their child.
On top of this, your tone is very condescending. You imply that a mother who murders an innocent man and frames an innocent, mentally ill child in order to have her murderous child released from prison is right in doing so. Are you insane?? Committing murder and framing the innocent to protect your murderous child IS NOT MOTHERLY INSTINCT. What the mother did was ABSOLUTELY AND TOTALLY WRONG on many levels. That being said, it is easy to understand how a loving mother can be pushed to these limits, but that does not make it right.
Again, I hope you are trolling... If not, please never open your mouth again.
I live in US, but was born in Southern Europe. And while there are exceptions on both continents, in much of the Europe (& Asia) kids are much more cared for, from birth, well into the adulthood. In US, they like spoiling babies & small children rotten, then kick them out when they (predictably) become unruly teenagers.
For example, one of my coworkers called police to arrest her own son for truancy ! I asked her what in the hell she was thinking, but she told me, that she had to do that because it was the law. In most other countries they would care much less about the law, when their kids are involved, not in US.
I am not saying that's good or bad, I can see both have positives & negatives. Nor, I am saying what is natural (that is defend your criminal kid at any cost), is always a moral thing to do. Sometimes subduing natural instincts is the right thing to do. All I am saying is that American parents are much less involved in their kids affairs (especially when they grow up) than much of the rest of the world. Does this really strike anyone as shocking ?!
All I am saying is that American parents are much less involved in their kids affairs (especially when they grow up) than much of the rest of the world. Does this really strike anyone as shocking ?!
"All I am saying is that American parents are much less involved in their kids affairs (especially when they grow up) than much of the rest of the world. Does this really strike anyone as shocking ?!"
Have you ever stepped foot in a different country than yours? have you ever went to Asia and saw for yourself how parents are involved in their children's lives? Because from what I have heard from people living abroad in places like Japan is that the parents are exteremly uninvolved in their children's affairs, especially when they reach around Highschool age. But then again I guess I'll see for myself when I go. I really don't get this attitude some men have of placing Asian and other women from different countries on some sort of pedstal while talking crap about what American women would and would not do. What makes you think any woman foreign or domestic even care for your opinion of them anyway?
I also agree with the other poster that killing the junk collector for whatever reason was WRONG and if anything she ruined another mentally hanicapped boy's life because of her actions. I do think the Junk collector was lying about the events of that night. He even began his story with a blatant lie by claiming he was just there to relax when we all know he was there for sex with that girl. So his crediblity was shot right there. Then the cops allowed the scene to be sullied by the entire town for their stupid reenactment. So while I do believe that what she did was wrong a part of me can't blame her because she was obviously dealing with Keystone cops who had NEVER investigated a murder and went based on assumptions they had NO EVIDENCE of. A man (junk collector) who was willing to take full advantage of two mentally handicapped men to save his own butt. If I was the mother, knowing what I know I probably would be thinking about killing him.
yeah... tell casey anthony that.
shareThis does not even make sense. You claim to have an understanding of "White" American culture, but you don't. Let's tackle your first statement. Basically you state that "White" American mom's have lost all motherly instinct. There are many examples of horrible parenthood throughout the world. Let's take Korea for example. There was a case of parents neglecting their child to play a video game.
Next you mention that in the US they like to spoil babies and small children rotten. This is certainly only true on a small scale like it is all around the world. If you would open your eyes you would see this. There is cases all over Asia (and rest of the world) where the parents will harass teachers if they do not get great grades. This is a sign of spoiling.
Finally, the example of the coworker calling in the police to arrest her own son for truancy (SKIPPING SCHOOL). This is something that would not even be tolerated by an Asian parent. This is something that would definitely not be tolerated by a parent in any society. I mean the way that parent handles that situation is going to be aggressive. The goal is to scare the kid not to do it again. (if you want to believe all parents give their kids flowers and cookies it is a great sign of the parent you will be) You do not know her son. Who the heck are you to get involved anyways. I imagine she gave you a generic answer because you got involved in something that is none of your business.
But I suppose you will find more simplistic generalizations to make you feel comfortable in your absurd beliefs. The world and people are complex, not simple. Grow up and DONT EVER TALK BAD ABOUT MY MOMMA AGAIN.
You're right, I've just watched another Korean movie - Poetry -and without revealing the plot I can say that Korean mothers can be quite harsh to their kin.
shareI have to agree with Cinematic, I think that in the US loyalty to the state is much stronger than loyalty to your own family, even your own child. Reminds me of Nazi Germany somewhat, maybe it has to do with their inherent culture. In my country, the Philippines, you will rarely find mothers or individuals who are more than willing to hand over their child or family member for the sake of the law. You cannot imagine even the horrible things they are willing t go through & hide & risk just to protect their own child. & I guess there is a good & a bad in all sides to the coin. But I have notice that there is a lack of family bonding & true parenting in many US households, the child is either ignored, spoiled, or raised to be selfish brats. I think that perhaps it has to do with their laws, they are very lenient or have little regard for discipline.
Also, I think the poster above clearly depicts the mentality of many mothers in the US perhaps. The moral obligation to the law supersedes familial obligations, very logical yet ultimately extremely scary isn't it? How can a state brainwash a culture to hold priority to the state rather than the family? It's all very interesting. I find familial loyalty is an instinct not very easy to overthrow, so how did they do it? Perhaps it has to do with many movies that subconsciously affect individuals to be more tweak their own values towards law adherance over familial loyalty.
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Let me explain why none of this makes any sense - American moms are made up of people who would and would not go to great lengths for their children regardless of their race.
But as long as we are talking race/cultures, American moms can be African-American,Korean-American,Japanese-American, You-Name-It-American and their behavior may or may not follow cultural traditions or be a form of neglect, overprotection, etc., etc.
If you're implying that what the mother did in this movie is somekind of Korean cultural thing (in contrast to what Americans would supposedly do), then I recommend seeing the movie Shi/"Poetry". A similarly-lauded Korean film with a somewhat similar premise, but in a way the flipside of the coin to this movie.
| Fools rush in--and get all the best seats. |
Weird generalization based on . . . probably nothing whatsoever.
It's a whodunit.
Whodunits are supposed to be far-fetched.
💕 JimHutton (1934-79) and ElleryQueen 👍
I doubt it. Most white American mothers lost touch with their motherly instincts.So you either somehow have an omniscient knowledge of MILLIONS of white American mothers, so as to be able to make such a HUGE, sweeping generalization...... or, you're a racist bigot. I'm guessing the second.