MovieChat Forums > Kill the Messenger (2014) Discussion > Utter nonsense, and I have an inside sou...

Utter nonsense, and I have an inside source....

During the scene where Webb is visiting Meneses in the prison, just before Meneses gets up to go play golf, there is a fly that buzzes through the scene.

Now, I've been in contact with Bob Fly, and he was actually there when the real event took place. He tells me that there were actually two flies buzzing around Meneses and Webb, and the other was his 2nd cousin once removed, Rufus Fly.

He told me that he filed a lawsuit last year, but it was thrown out of court due to him only being a fly. Personally, I find it disgusting, and I am going to start a petition on to have this judge removed from the bench.

I'm also going to start a Facebook page to expose this tremendous lie. I've got Bob's back!

Time wounds all heels.
