curious, because i always hear how America always does the right thing
That sounds more like propaganda than what an actual (well informed) American really believes. I think we are all very well aware that our government has done the wrong thing on more than one occasion.
so with keeping the current political situation in mind, what do Americans think about this story?
I've always had mixed thoughts on this thing. On the one hand, I liked Webb's moxie in being willing to report on something like this and challenge the establishment. On the other hand, the overreaching (and sometimes ridiculous) claims of the series and book have put some myths into the nation's blood stream that abides to this very day.
And (as you alluded to) it is an important reminder as to the type of people we sometimes get mixed up with in these types of operations. But that presents a problem: if you are going to have a foreign policy......these are the kind of choices that have to be made. Who were these angels in the third world we were supposed to work with? They didn't exist. (And they still don't.) Take South Korea for example: should we have thrown them to the wolves because they didn't (at the time) have a very democratic government? Should we have let Saddam Hussein keep Kuwait because putting the Emir back on the throne wasn't particularly appealing? Should we have not taken advantage of the Intel the Nazis had gathered on the USSR at the end of the WW II (which meant ultimately protecting some of them from prosecution as war criminals)? The list goes on and on. The realities of foreign policy aren't pretty. But its the real world. Unless someone wants to be an isolationist (something I was kind of hoping we would become after the Cold War ended) these are the choices that have to be made.
Ignoring: MythicCDXX, Creeping Jesus/Judas, RonPaul_Lies, Digby (and aliases), ibestupid, Holiday_Hobo, sharon_18, TilaMoo, Okie-from-Muskogee/boo321, NorCalNik, Nullifidian