MovieChat Forums > Screamers: The Hunting Discussion > Complete Aliens ripoff!!!!!

Complete Aliens ripoff!!!!!

This entire movie from start to finish, is a complete carbon copy knock-off of James Cameron's all time classic masterpiece, Aliens. The only difference's, are that instead of aliens they are screamers, and instead of being a masterpiece, it is just a piece of sh*t.To take it a step further, they even have the screamers killing people the same way the aliens did, with killer tongues through heads and spike tails through stomaches. They even have lance Henriksen in a cameo to really drive it home. Avoid this movie! Go see Aliens!


Screamers != Aliens; it isn't a rip off of Alien.


Hey mate he doesn't mean that the old Screamers is a rip-off of the Aliens movies :) The old movie was much better considering the lower budget they had to make it... I was really disappointed to see the lousy job they did with this one. I'm sure Phillip K. Dick is turning in his grave...

Credo quia absurdum est


Nah, if you want to see an actual ripoff of Aliens, watch the movie "Carnosaur 2"... which is not only a beat-for-beat copy, but even has some of the same dialogue. Except that it's about dinosaurs made out of chickens.

Ooo, baby, your domestic gross is SO BIG. That's how I know how GOOD you are!


And if you want to see another actual ripoff of Aliens, dig up a copy of this Bruno Mattei gem: (Yes, it was really released in Italy under the title Terminator II. It's known elsewhere as Shocking Dark.)

You can buy it here: Click on "Genres" and then select CYBORGS & POST-APOCALYPTIC ACTION.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
