MovieChat Forums > Screamers: The Hunting Discussion > Need help with finding a certain title

Need help with finding a certain title

A few years back some of my friends told me about SCREAMERS, said that it was a great movie and that I should see it, I saw it and figured they may have over hyped it a bit, but anyway they also told me about a sequel to this film, and this was around 1996, said that there was a SCREAMERS 2 and it was even better than the first, but just now with the release of this one and finding out that this is the only sequel to SCREAMERS, a guy at the local DVD shop told me the film I am reffering to was never a sequel, it was actually a spin off and SCREAMERS 2 was never the real title, so can anyone that possibly knows what film I am talking about tell me what the actual title is if its not SCREAMERS 2, because I am mainly curious about this film.


I have no idea, but if it really is a "spinoff" of Screamers, then Philip K. Dick should have a writing credit on it (for the original story and perhaps some of the characters).

So see if any of these ring a bell: Without knowing any more about the content of the film, I don't have any way to tell. (None of these are really "spinoffs," but it's possible that the film the DVD shop guy has in mind is just based on another PKD story.)


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Thanks, I've checked the link and didn't find a title that might have been the one I was looking for, so otherwise this film doesn't really exist or it was an asylum style rip off, but other info I can give on the film is that there is some sort of war between humans and cyborgs on earth and it takes place in this post apocalypse setting, only it doesn't have the ground crawler type screamers, but how many of those don't you already know about?

So I think I'm going to check out asylum's list of films they brought in the event that this is one of their's, but thank you for the help, I appreciate it.


Good luck -- hope you find it.


The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
