Wait a minute....PKD already WROTE a sequel to 'Second Variety'
It was called "Jon's World" and it UNDID everything that happened in the short story that the original Screamers was based on. Time travel will do that, you know!
shareIt was called "Jon's World" and it UNDID everything that happened in the short story that the original Screamers was based on. Time travel will do that, you know!
I Jons World they travel back in time for the sole purpose of destroying the blueprints for the "Claws". The only part of this film that relate to PKD will be the robots.
I'd advise just reading Second Variety and Jons World. They should only take about 90 minutes to read :)
I just watched this sequel and unfortunatelly you are 100% correct. "Screamers 2" is just a mindless follow-up of a good story that clearly brings nothing new at all. With all respect to the film makers, this film just worths watching if you somehow missed the first movie or haven't read the short story itself.
First off, if you can find someone to give you money to make a movie and they don't even stop to think if its going to be a good movie or not then you can do whatever you want with that money.
I haven't read either of the stories by PKD but I did love the first movie. It had everything you want to see in a sci-fi movie; robots, space, war, evolution, relationships, plot-twists, and a fade out ending. When I first saw screamers I couldn't wait for them to make a sequel, but i was hoping it would be about earth, or maybe a war between humans from earth and new screamers from Sirius 6-B, or maybe even a prequel, but no, this movie had to be released that had nothing other than the name of the planet in common. The problems I had with this version of a sequel is that the ending sucked and made no since at all, none of the screamers from the first movie were present in this film, didn't explain the screamers "civil war", didn't really explain the new screamers, the most important guy in the whole film is only on screen for like 5 minutes, and it didn't explain what Hendricksson said when he sent a message to earth from his escape pod.
I think a much better sequel could be made instead of this one.
Earth could have gotten the message from Hendricksson about the screamers and Sirius 6-B(something about them evolving) before he blew up the escape pod. The government or a private company decides to send people to the planet to retrieve info on the screamers(covered up as a rescue mission if the government is involved). Once the team gets to the planet, they run into some basic screamers and get help from survivors to survive the attack. The survivors lead the team to the main plant to gather info on the screamers where they learn about the different types of screamers(maybe have one or two unknown ones like they did in the first movie). They then get attacked by more advance screamers
and are forced deeper into the building were they meet the guy who created the screamers.
thats pretty much as far as i can get into writing a plot, i suck at writing endings.
but there are more options as to how the movie could have went;
-some more advance screamers develop intelligences and split into two groups(good/bad, like what happened near the end of the first movie) creating a civil war between screamers.
-guy who created screamers is actually creating new screamers.
-screamers get to earth(i think it would be too much like a terminator movie)
-Hendricksson makes it to earth having disabled the screamer accompanying him, leads army back to Sirius 6-B to fight the screamers and search for survivors(maybe to find the guy who created the screamers or maybe just to get back at the robots for what happened to the one he loved).
all in all I hope someone will eventually make a sequel that is good enough for theaters at least.
Wow! Those I call the ideas for a good sequel. We did made clear everything about this sequel made. Looks like the creators just targeted the spec-effects part. Just updated the old story using some modern technologies.
And this is clearly not what all we were expecting from a sequel. I liked your, stevecole's idea about "-Hendricksson makes it to earth having disabled the screamer" way of sequel.
Hendriksson could lead a new group of mercenaries and scientiests to Sirius 6-B in order to study how could screamer evolve to such high level so they even got personalities and feelings like fear, love, attraction. This plot way could be developed exposing the ideas and eternal questions of philosophy like: what is a soul? what is a personality? where is the line that distinguishes a human being from other creatures? Maybe it's all about the morality? Looks like even in artificially created living beings the Nature restored a balance of good and evil (according to movie). People from Earth could join the groups of "good" screamers in orders to accomplish their common goals...
Well anayway there is really lot to imagine over the plot of original "Screamers" movie. Let's pray next time they will continue this story they'd choose proper approach and pay much to storymakers :)
If you recall in the ending to the short story, the grenades the 2nd variety had were designed to specificaly target other screamers. They were always learning how to kill each other more efficiently.
Screamers (1) is still my favourite movie of all time, and (2) looked promising, for about 10 minutes (well, basically until the engineer was killed by a screamer, that was onboard a *sealed* starship...
(2) touched upon the idea of a 'civil war' between screamers, but that was it, only touched upon it. The rest was a mess, despite the decent GFX.
Ah well..
Since the first movie had a lower budget (the second had a bit more of a budget but still is considered a low budget movie) AND canadian there was pretty much little chance that it would have a theatrical release.
I personally liked it as it set up for a third in the series that will be set on earth as the screamer tricked Bronte into bringing him to earth.