all these comments are from angry viewers that talk about how much it sucked. you don't get it!
this is B-movie bliss. for people who love the old low budget sci fi's of the 80's and 90's, this is a return to those great times.
cheesy lines - check. great sci-fi aesthetics - check. bad acting - check. and that ending had me laughing out loud for 10 minutes!
you all need to stop taking this stuff so seriously. this is almost on par with the original, but whether it was intentional or not, had a lot more laughs.
I actually thought it was above average for a DTV sequel. The kills were gory (it trumps the original in that department), and the FX were good (ditto). The story was rather basic, but so what? No one rents a DTV Lance Henriksen movie for the story. I wanted 90 entertaining minutes, and I got it. I won't remember it in a week, but I had fun.
prob is this didnt even look like a movie. looked like some spare footage from a mid 90's outerlimits episode that was edited together on a macbook pro.
and how come the 'crashed' space ship that looked like a tail section of an airplane (cos it was) in the first movie was so much more credible than the computer game 'medusa' in this one.
I absolutely love some quality b-movie trash, and have happily sat through stuff with much worse acting/dubbing/effects, filmed on the kind of budget that'd make this movie seem willfully extravagant. However, those other films always had a certain something to them, a sense of atmosphere, character or even just a simple charm that raised them to be more than the sum of their individually shoddy parts.
This one didn't have anything like that. Everything about it felt half-assed, workmanlike and just screamed "will this do?" I'd happily sit through some no-budget Italian schlock like the New Barbarians instead of this drivel. At least they have a bit of heart and creative flair to 'em.
It's not scary, it's not funny and it's just not worth your time.
I'd happily sit through some no-budget Italian schlock like the New Barbarians instead of this drivel. At least they have a bit of heart and creative flair to 'em.
I love 1980s Italian post-apocalypytic movies, and I too prefer The New Barbarians to this film.
I did find this movie entertaining, but that's it.
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.