This film confused the hell out of me. What did I just watch?
(spoilers ahead)
1) So Arnie basically hires an escape artist to help him escape. Despite all the clever details of Stallone's escapes, they escape via diversion/brute force. This makes little sense - its a prison for society's worst, there would surely be riots all the time.
2) Maximum security? I don't see (and its never really explained) why this prison is more secure than another (you know, made of actual concrete rather than sheets of steel with removable rivets). They weren't even given the equivalent of the intestinators (Fortress) or neck braces (Running Man) to allow for remote immobilisation. The guards wore stupid (and pointless) masks that would surely obscure their vision. How was Stallone able to see the doctor so often, unrestrained? He could have snapped his neck at any point, and why wouldn't he, these prisoners are knowingly in some bizarre illegal place where they're denied rights, legal council or a chance of ever getting out. Small metal rivets that pop out of an isolation cell if they get too warm? A large laddered tunnel beneath each isolation chamber? Its just ridiculous.
3) The concept of the prison makes no sense. The guy that gets thrown out of the plane we're told cost as much as one month of Vinnie's salary. So how is this a profitable business? There's a number of guards and crew, so why/how would the government pay enough to make this a profitable enterprise?
4) A top secret maximum security prison on a boat? What happens in the event of storms, or the boat needs maintenance or supplies, crew members needing to get on and off? It just seems like one of those ideas that sounds "cool" initially, but becomes stupid the more you think about it (way before the end of the film).
5) The thing I understand least is the high rating and positive reviews. I thought Arnie's acting was terrible (I'm normally a fan, but post-politics he seems to just be there as a brand name, his hearts not really in it). The CGI was terrible. Some shots of the boat looked like it was cut and pasted. The rampant cliches (the warden's death scene, Arnie's slow mo gun scene). The overly nuanced characters (private pyle, the warden). Arnie's daughter was absolutely cringe-worthily bad. The whole last scene was embarrassing to watch. I just don't get it! As a prison film it was awful, as any other film it was just stupid. It had nothing to do with "good old fashioned 80s" films because it was packed with CGI and lacked heart/soul.
So glad I didn't go to the cinema to see this.