MovieChat Forums > Escape Plan (2013) Discussion > Underated? I think it's great!

Underated? I think it's great!

Am I the only one that finds this movie actually quite smart, and not just a generic action flick? It has a great story, great inteligent script, nice action. And the acting of Ahlond is actually better that in his older films (but that doesnt say much)

Plus that it's entertaining as hell and it got that 90's feel, maybe if it would be done in early 90's, it would just be another bad to mediocre Schwarzenegger/Stallone actions, but today in the age of totaly forgetable CGI crap films, it surely is a breath of fresh air.

Or am I just to old? haha


I'm an Arnie fan so I'm bias, but I loved it. It was so much fun and it's smarter than most action film being released nowadays.




Same here. I came in thinking this was just another cheesy Arnold movie, came out pleasantly surprised it was pretty good.


It was better than I thought it was going to be. I'd heard and thought it was a flop, but it actually ended up making heaps of money outside North America, so essentially everyone goes home happy. 🐭


I loved this film too. I am a big fan of both Sly and Arnold, plus the gorgeous Faran Tahir has a small but significant part it this movie. I totally enjoyed it.

Humans fear what they don't understand, and they hate what they fear.


I didn't have much of expectation of it just thought it would be cheesy Arnie/Sly cashing in on their glory days.

I was very pleasantly surprised by the movie, good premise, script and action with a fine support cast


It's really not that bad and Arnold has good moments of line delivery. Did love the "say cheese" moment with Rottmeyer and Javed mugging for the security camera. I liked this a lot more than The Last Stand. The prison guard outfits were too bad roller derby for me though.

Sam Neill must have needed a Mortgage payment or something. Really wasted as the Doctor.

Expendables 2 makes this look like Predator….now that, was an abortion of a movie….E2 that is.
