Why 50 Cent?

How does he get these "sensible" roles?

He is a pottymouth, but has perfect, sparkling, LARGE teeth.

And I mean HUGE teeth ...

How the hell did he grow those?


This is the first film I have seen him in and I thought he was pretty good. A surprising casting choice for the role I would agree.

But perhaps another actor would have been more suitable. He was good at the end when he said "sleepy time..."


He said Mofo several times...

I own you.


I agree with you that 50 cent was actually okay here, acting-wise. In previous movies, he only seemed to produce one type of expression, which was no expression.


It was a small, filler role. Would you rather they had spent an extra five million of the budget and got Idris Elba?

"Most people on the boards are casting experts. It's why they all work in Hollywood right?"



Cause that's all he charges. He's so desperate.


"sleepy time *beep* -50 cent, computer tech / henchman


-50 cent

the - made me lol


Probably because he has many fans and the director thought it was a good idea. My opinion? He's a horrible actor, ugly and was horribly chosen. A black and smart hacker? It doesn't exist. Show me one please. As everyone knows, truth is always racist.


I'm sure there are black hackers....there are black doctors, judges and lawyers...soooo, doesn't explain why you sound so dumb.


Sure but 50 cent is none of those. He's a rapper who's only famous because he got shot in the face.


What does that have to do with anything? They are talking about a role.



No,the truth is, you're just a damn racist. Black hackers have been around since the 1990's---do your research and shut up,please. I swear there always one racist idiot who will jump at any excuse to claim black people aren't smart, despite the fact that they are clearly no damn genuises themselves.


I liked "sleepy time, MF" at the end, but he did seem miscasted :)

Most annoying moviegoer personalities-The Loud Laugher (LOLer), Foot Rester, Cellphone Light Guy


They like to cast rappers as computer wizards and other genius types. DMX played a computer genius in Exit Wounds, Andre 3000 as a sage chess master in Revolver, Ice-T as a brilliant computer hacker in Johnny Mnemonic. I guess Hollywood wants to change the image most people have of these kinds of guys, from dumb thugs to "brilliant intellectuals".



FYI, only two of the rappers you mentioned were actual thugs (DMX and Ice-T) and rap provided the means for both of them to get the hell out of that type of life--which was well over 20 years ago. I thought DMX actually had the potential to become a decent actor after seeing him in CRADLE TO THE GRAVE (which he wasn't half-bad as the lead in) and EXIT WOUNDS, because he does have a strong and memorable onscreen presence, but his mental and medical problems seem to have derailed that completely. Andre 300 was never even a "gangster rapper" like the other two, and his group Outkast have made some of the most offbeat, intellectual, and just plain weird/fun rap songs around. 50 Cent is a businessman who owns stock in his own company now. Nice way to stereotype with you "dumb thugs" comment though.


50 Cent was a crack and heroin dealer who was shot in the face 9 times.

Not exactly a stereotype breaker.


Token black guy
