Sounds like all that hamster food and tofu estrogen is messing with your hormones and your ability to think.
How do you know there are a lot of women that can beat the hell out of me? You have no idea who I am, that's just a careless shot-in-the-dark statement and just makes you look stupid.
You're saying it's irrational to say that women are weaker than men? Have you ever gone outside of your house? Next time you're out with your friends (or just go out by yourself if you don't have any friends), pick a guy, and have an arm wrestle with him, tell him he can only use 1 finger, and you can use both arms. You'll be surprised at the result.
You've just seen a few movies where a female superhero beats up 5 guys and you think that's realistic. Let me tell you something: It's not. Most modern women have never pushed their strength against a man's and therefore have no idea how much stronger a man is. The upper-body strength difference is in orders of magnitude, like comparing a man against a gorilla.
Yes, there are a few women that are highly trained to the point where can beat an untrained man by technique, but even those women have significantly lower strength.
Case study: 60 highly trained elite female athletes from sports known to require high hand-grip forces (judo, handball), were assessed against a sample of 1,654 normal healthy men. The hand-strength of the female athletes only reached the 25th percentile of the men. In other words, 75% of men walking down the street have stronger grip strength than the highest-level elite women. Read the paper here:
So yes, it is true, that the average women is weaker than a typical sickly man.
The same goes with other measures of upper-body strength like bench press. Go to any gym and observe men pushing up 3-4 times as much as the women.
Men are physically superior to women in every way, and the number of individual factors is staggering. Men have higher bone density, significantly faster reaction speed, a skeletal frame optimized for efficient movement (rather than childbearing), more testosterone, larger and stronger muscles, more endurance, better energy release on a cellular level, higher blood pressure and red blood cell density for energy and oxygen delivery, more ATP and creatine, more IGF-1 growth factor for cellular growth. I can show you scientific evidence behind any of these statements.
Feminism is not about proving that men and women are the same. They are not. Feminism is about helping women and men be treated equally in areas which are not related to physical strength.