MovieChat Forums > Escape Plan (2013) Discussion > Vegetarian line was the best line in the...

Vegetarian line was the best line in the movie

Seriously, if I ever meet Arnold I would shake his hand and thank him for saying it like it is.

Every single vegetarian I have ever met was gay, overweight, or a stick figure.

Yes, there are a few exceptional cases of professional athletes who are vegetarian by virtue of consuming truckloads of protein powders, supplements, etc. but they're being propped up by science and chemistry so your argument fails. It's like when smokers say that smoking isn't unhealthy because their grandfather smoked 2 packs a day and lived to be 95.

Just because some moron did it and managed to not die doesn't mean it is healthy.


Then the people you've met weren't vegetarians. They were people who do not know what a vegetarian diet actually consists of.

Believe it or not, it is possible to not eat meat and yet not be sickly. There are just waaay too many people who think that it means eating nothing but vegetables and grains and, yeah, that'll leave you weak and sickly. But that is *not* a vegetarian diet.

And I'm sure there are plenty of gay men who could knock a person's block off, so I don't see what that's got to do with anything.

I'm not a stick figure, I'm not overweight, I'm not a guy (gee, I don't seem to fit the image you have of vegetarians at all) and I have never used protein powders.

Just like anyone else, you just have to know what and how to eat. BTW, there are literally TONS of people who are not vegetarians who clearly do not know how or what to eat, otherwise there would be almost no need for diet pills or meals or major surgeries or TV shows to help people get healthy.


Your argument fails because you use yourself as an example. As a woman, you are physically weaker than the average sickly man (vegetarian or not) so there is not much to compare. (Remember, the topic of discussion is the line "you hit like a vegetarian")

Knowing what and how to eat isn't really enough. A vegetarian diet, unless heavily supplemented, does not give you everything you need.

There is never a need for diet pills or meals or TV shows, these are marketing scams to make money from fat people -- completely irrelevant to the topic of vegetarianism. The fact that you saw somebody unhealthy who is not vegetarian does not mean vegetarianism is the healthier choice.


I don't agree to the whole argument you have developed. Your whole point being, "hit like a vegeterian" is an insult because vegeterians are weak/fat or Gay, is homophobic depicts crap mind set. Also, defining that being woman means weaker than an average sickly man, is nothing but sexist irrational senseless blabber. There are a lot many women who can beat the hell of MEN LIKE YOU.
anyways, avoiding all women-empowering discussion, let me enlighten you. In my opinion the statement "hit like a vegeterian" is a compliment to vegeterians as vegeterians are in general caring people not to eat any living thing. So punching and hitting a fellow humanbeing is not something they are supposed to be good at.


Sounds like all that hamster food and tofu estrogen is messing with your hormones and your ability to think.

How do you know there are a lot of women that can beat the hell out of me? You have no idea who I am, that's just a careless shot-in-the-dark statement and just makes you look stupid.

You're saying it's irrational to say that women are weaker than men? Have you ever gone outside of your house? Next time you're out with your friends (or just go out by yourself if you don't have any friends), pick a guy, and have an arm wrestle with him, tell him he can only use 1 finger, and you can use both arms. You'll be surprised at the result.

You've just seen a few movies where a female superhero beats up 5 guys and you think that's realistic. Let me tell you something: It's not. Most modern women have never pushed their strength against a man's and therefore have no idea how much stronger a man is. The upper-body strength difference is in orders of magnitude, like comparing a man against a gorilla.

Yes, there are a few women that are highly trained to the point where can beat an untrained man by technique, but even those women have significantly lower strength.

Case study: 60 highly trained elite female athletes from sports known to require high hand-grip forces (judo, handball), were assessed against a sample of 1,654 normal healthy men. The hand-strength of the female athletes only reached the 25th percentile of the men. In other words, 75% of men walking down the street have stronger grip strength than the highest-level elite women. Read the paper here:

So yes, it is true, that the average women is weaker than a typical sickly man.

The same goes with other measures of upper-body strength like bench press. Go to any gym and observe men pushing up 3-4 times as much as the women.

Men are physically superior to women in every way, and the number of individual factors is staggering. Men have higher bone density, significantly faster reaction speed, a skeletal frame optimized for efficient movement (rather than childbearing), more testosterone, larger and stronger muscles, more endurance, better energy release on a cellular level, higher blood pressure and red blood cell density for energy and oxygen delivery, more ATP and creatine, more IGF-1 growth factor for cellular growth. I can show you scientific evidence behind any of these statements.

Feminism is not about proving that men and women are the same. They are not. Feminism is about helping women and men be treated equally in areas which are not related to physical strength.


All this talk of hamster food is makin' me hungry.


You and me both, I could demolish a hamster right now.


I have been vegetarian for 14 years and do boxing. I would proof you wrong.


I bet you have less power than other boxers of your size and experience.


You are absolutely wrong.
In fact a lot of times during training I keep getting yelled at by the coach and other boxers for being to aggressive against my sparring partners. I'm a fast inside fighter and my straights punches are not so good but my hooks and uppercuts are devastating.
Really I see no cons for being a vegetarian as a boxer, but I think if I did eat meat I would be less lean and a bit slower.


Why are there no top-level fighters that are vegetarians then? Sure, there are 1-2 pro fighters that do OK, but at the highest level there are no vegetarians.


Most of these top level fighters only eat the healthiest kind of meat and they don't eat it very often either. Carbs like brown rice or pasta is what they eat most and often.
But really it doesn't make much difference if you eat meat or not. But as a vegetarian you must have good knowledge about food in order to eat the right substitute for meat, otherwise yeah you would be weaker then a non vegetarian.


What is this "healthiest" kind of meat? I'm pretty sure it's basic stuff like chicken breast, salmon, and the occasional steak.

It does make a difference whether you eat meat or not. Meat contains a lot of important nutrients, it's not just protein. As you say yourself, most vegetarians are missing vital nutrients. It's only the ones that are super-scientific about that have figured out how to get by, and then only with science and supplements and protein powder.

So I would argue that it still does constitute a disadvantage. Just like, if I was missing a half a leg I could get surgery, get an artificial knee, etc. and eventually be able to walk mostly like a normal person, but I'm still just barely scraping by using science as a crutch.


Ok, then go eat meat.


There are trolls who start a thread, spew crap and run away... and then there's trolls like Captain Sex Machine...

~ On the internet can hear you scream


I have been vegetarian for 14 years and do boxing. I would proof you wrong.

One - "I would proof you wrong" isn't a sentence that has meaning.

Two - If you're trying to say that you are proof that the contention that a vegetarian diet is not healthy, you have failed. Anecdotes are not proof.

Three - The fact that you box, that you deliberately allow people to punch you in the head, shows that your vegetarian diet is no good for you.


What a effing dumbo!! I'm not a vegetarian but your stupidity baffles me. Half-a-billion people in India are Vegetarian (Sorry to shock you if you thought India is a majority vegetarian country).

" A majority 64% of Indian households are meat-eaters. The South, at 92.2%, more than the North, at 40.4%, another surprise."

There are many other Asian countries. Even among meat-eaters, it's a balanced diet there. It's not eaten every day.

Are you labeling a billion people gay, overweight or skinny? Dumbass.


If a billion people are vegetarian then yes, a billion people are gay, overweight, or skinny. Have you ever seen a healthy indian? They are all either skinny or morbidly obese, and they smell horrible. There's an indian guy that comes to my gym, he smells so bad I can tell he's in the gym before I even walk through the door.

Show me one of these vegetarian indians that's a high level fighter.
