Enjoyable but SERIOUSLY flawed [SPOILERS]
"When professional prison breaker Ray Breslin finds himself incarcerated for real, he quickly forms a new ally and must find a way out."
Watch the movie on this premise and it's a largely enjoyable romp. Whatever you do, don't think about the numerous plot holes, which have been aptly described by numerous posters here. Spoilers aplenty ahead.
1. Is Rottmayer's daughter a CIA operative? Many say no, but then Vincent D'Onofrio says he called Langley to verify her identity.
2. Assuming the daughter planned the taking of Breslin in New Orleans and therefore knew the prison's location, why couldn't she let the team know?
3. If the prison is on a ship, why is it so elaborate? Even if you break out, you can't go anywhere.
4. What difference does it make if the prisoners know they're on a ship? Surely they would be less inclined to escape, knowing they're in the middle of the ocean.
5a. Why are the prisoners incarcerated anyway? It would surely be much cheaper to execute them? And no it's not the same argument for federal penitentiaries - the whole point of the Tomb is that it was off the grid, privately funded and totally illegal.
5b. If the prisoners were incarcerated because they held valuable information, why don't we see any other prisoner interrogated, other than Rottmayer?
5c. If the sole objective is to extract information, why not keep all prisoners in their cells 24/7 except for questioning? What possible reason would they have to allow them to mix?
6. Points 5b and 5c are moot anyway, since Hobbes claims he needs the prisoner for "proof of life" (which is why Vinnie Jones was punished for murdering a prisoner en route).
7. Why did Vinnie Jones murder a prisoner en route?
8a. Knowing Breslin – the professional prison breaker - is now a prisoner, why isn’t he watched like a hawk? Why, when the only camera to malfunction is the one in his solitary confinement chamber, do the guards not open it immediately to find out what’s happened?
8b. How did Breslin get a saliva-moistened piece of bread to stick to the camera?
9. Why would they assume the access panel bolts in the solitary confinement chamber had rusted from the water? Is this a chamber that regularly floods?
10. Why is there a convenient ladder directly beneath a solitary confinement chamber?
11. Why are the trained guards so hopelessly inept with firearms that a prisoner currently shot in the stomach is able to kill half a dozen of them?
12. Why was Breslin allowed so much alone time with the doctor?
13. Why did the doctor help Breslin escape? Because of the Hippocratic oath? So all prison doctors should facilitate the escape of prisoners?
14. Why does an inescapable prison use easily-disabled motion sensors instead of RFID chips?
15. How does Rottmayer’s helicopter go completely undetected until it rises up in front of the command deck window?
The movie was enjoyable as a prison break affair, but the plot was one of the worst written that I’ve seen in a long time.