MovieChat Forums > Ouija (2014) Discussion > Anybody over 30 like this movie?

Anybody over 30 like this movie?

I'm in my early thirties and actually LIKED this movie. I always liked the whole ouija board game. I was so excited when the trailer came out for the first time and I am glad to have seen this movie. I love psychological horror which Ouija is. Please let me know..Gracias :)

Sorry but have to say HI FRIEND


It definitely had potential but the script was not very clever. It missed opportunities at every turn. Nothing particularly inventive or surprising. Beyond that, it's not going to be very scary as a PG-13. You pretty much know that from the get. PG-13 horror movies are like dry humping on prom night, a total letdown. One definitely got the feeling that this could have been a much better movie if it were rated R. Watching it, it felt like there were scares originally meant to be in it but were edited out for TV.


I thought it was pretty good, there have been few great horror movies in the last 10 years but this is better then most, just not close to great.



I found the movie quite dull and formulaic: Ouija has no atmosphere, cardboard characters and a paper thin plot.

It's not a terrible film but it is very average. I can handle a shallow horror film as long as it's fun, unfortunately Ouija isn't much fun.

The film is a good cure for insomnia though.


I'm 25 and no


I'm under 30, but thought this movie sucked hard. I feel bad as well because this movie is practically the Transformers 4 of the horror genre. Sucks majorly, but it still does well at the BO. Good thing I used my money to pay for Book of Life (not a bad or great movie, but much better than this piece of crap) and theater hopped to watch this movie, because this movie isn't even worth the theater ticket price.



I'm 40 and my girlfriend is 36. We both dug it. Still not as good as Witchboard.


Ok thanks @fecalpeanut I never seen Witchboard..I guess I'll have to check that one out. Thanks :)


Have you gotten to Witchboard yet? That movie has better Ouija board scenes than this one, but it's cheesy as can be.


@sleeperblokey Wow you work in a cool wow I envy you. I looooooove movies. I am definitely going to check out Witchboard 1 & 2. Thanks!


Me. Just finished watching this now.

Plot was silly. Why the teens went into the basement by themselves following advise from a wacko was beyond me. How suddenly Doris was the bad one when the mother was practising witchery was also a mystery.

But somehow I was entertained. Better than Annabelle and The Pyramid, 2 latest horros I've seen.

I gave this 6/10. Doesn't deserve the 4.4/10 it currently has.


I'm 35 and I really enjoyed it. Definitely not the terrible movie people want to make it out to be. I am a huge horror fan and watch dozens of horror movies per year, and the vast majority are AWFUL. (Which is okay, I enjoy that.) Especially in today's day and age. You get movie that are shot on what looks like home video with completely amateur acting and no sense of how to write a script.

Ouija was way above average in cinematography, acting, story structure. It wasn't a great movie, but it was fun and had a couple of creepy spots. I enjoyed the story line. There was a mystery, some dramatic irony, and I actually appreciated the fact that the Debbie's death was felt so much by the characters. One major problem I have with most horror movies is when someone dies, the characters don't really react in a realistic way. They just take it in stride, which they can usually get away with because they are in the heat of the moment and are in survival mode. I liked the fact that the death of these characters actually impacted the world around them.

(To a degree. With each subsequent death, they dwelled on it less and less, with ultimately the main girl's boyfriend dying and she doesn't have that strong of a reaction. Again, the movie was flawed, but it had redeeming qualities.)

How suddenly Doris was the bad one when the mother was practising witchery was also a mystery.

The point here, is that Doris was always the bad one, and mother was trying to protect the world from her. Doris was lying to the kids from the get go, and they believed her.
