Did anyone else feel like the films were getting rushed?
So many important moments from the books weren't shown in the movies. And then when they tried to make reference of them, it didn't make sense like Harry mentioning Remus' son. This was the first time it was mentioned at all. All of the touching moments of the book weren't shown in the movies either. Like when Ron and Harry reunite after Ron ditches them and they don't even hug. Same when Harry's about to offer himself to Voldemort. And then with Hermione's torture scene, it was even more disappointing. No one talked about it or seemed like they cared. She's just lying on the floor letting Bellatrix torture her. Also, there was no point in having Dumbledore's brother and that lady at Fleur's wedding even talk about the dark stuff of Dumbledore if it was glossed over with Harry acting like he'd rather live in denial of it all. It just felt like a lot of stuff was under developed. Like they knew how much money these movies were costing and they just wanted them done. That's why I kinda hope they do make a television series as I think it would be much better at storytelling.