Schwartzman never hung up? So call wasnt over?
When Rogen called to get advice, he was talking to Schwartzman (and obvisoully was the most caring & maturist of them all) Rogen didnt even know or care that Hill was on the phone. But he was and they setteled thier so-called dispute for a second and then Rogen starts to ask for advice from both i assumed, wasnt asking Hill seconds earlier. So who cares if Hill hung up? Rogen wasnt even talking to him, till he found out he was on other line anyway. So ya of course Rogen is gonna then want both of thier advise then, now that he was on phone. But once Hill hung up, didnt mean call had ended! Schwartzman never hung up, yet it cuts to Rogen acting like he was hung up on, by both. Sorry he wasnt. Cause 1 person hangs up the phone, doesnt cut off the other phone in the house. So that scene made no sense at all, and i wouldnt want Hill`s advice even if they wernt arguing. Schwartzman character was 100 times more mature and more caring,(even though liked his women)So how that phone call ended, just cause Hill hung up, made no sense at all. Would have continued convo with Schartzman. Enjoyed movie, but that part was screwed up.