USA Network version = much better
If only they could cut out the commercials, The USA cut is much better, which is like the first time in the history of film that the "edited for TV" version is actually better. I curse a lot and say a lot of graphic stuff, but every punchline in this movie being "... blah blah blah, my dick" was tiresome. All the cock talk just got boring and annoying. The TV version replaces all that with something at least somewhat funny or cuts it entirely, making this overly-long epic of a depressing comedy more digestible. Like in the final scene, instead of Ira talking about his grandpa titty-F-ing his own balls (which personally makes me groan), they shot a version of the scene where they talk about how, after his cuts his body hair, his clothes fit different (which at least made me smirk).
"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"