MovieChat Forums > Violent Night (2022) Discussion > Since Everyone Wants To Call This Horror...

Since Everyone Wants To Call This Horror...

Since everyone wants to call this movie a horror movie, then movies like Die Hard, Olympus Has Fallen, White House Down, Air Force One, Under Siege 1 & 2, Final Score, Sudden Death, Speed, Con Air, and Cliffhanger are all horror movies as well. There is nothing horror about any of these movies or even Violent Night. But if everyone wants to label Violent Night as horror, then all the other movies I listed and anything else considered a Die Hard clone/ripoff is a horror movie as well. The only thing that could mistake Violent Night as a horror movie is the poster. It almost seems like an evil Santa movie, but Santa in Violent Night is the hero and saving the day/a family. And Santa is pretty much a mix of John McClane and John Wick. But I guess if anyone asks me my favorite horror movie, maybe I might say Die Hard or Olympus Has Fallen. See what their response is since there is NOTHING horror about them, and there is nothing horror about Violent Night either. I've watched Violent Night several times now and I can't see the horror genre in it. It's just Die Hard re-skinned with Santa aka AN ACTION MOVIE.
