Made No Sense!?

The funny thing to me is, a lot of this movie didn't make any sense, but the main thing that didn't make any sense to me is the part where the blood started dripping out of the phone after the Bipolar guy choked his wife off the phone. Does anyone know why the hell blood dripped from the phone i mean wtf lol totally had nothing to do with the story

also,i thought this movie was pretty decent but can anybody tell me what the girls fate is. i mean how did dude wind up ontop of her car when she woke up, cuz she didn't hit the guy i didn't see that at all.


Trust me, I just had to throw logic out the window and began laughing at some of the parts because of it being so ridiculous and crazy at times with no hints of things being explained. I knew it was going to be more of a horror movie so logic usually takes a back seat. I did enjoy it once I stopped trying to figure out all the odd happenings. Can't say for sure if they were trying for shock or humor but some of it was just too funny or strange not to laugh at it.


I agree. This guy she hit was a preschool teacher yet his teeth were completely rotted and he looked like a bum . it made no sense and he was that crazy but found the time to teach nursery school?? he could barely even talk he was like a wild beast . She ran him over yet he kept coming back and was very strong strange i thought it would have been a dream at the end that would have been better.


I could have missed something while playing my video game at the time, but how was the X-mas lights lite up again? The movie tried to be something I'll give it that, what I'm not sure, but it tried.


Every spark of friendship and love will die without a hope
- The Arcade Fire


The lights shined because he plugged them up in the garage when he stopped at the house. And to answer the other question the girl's fate would most likely be jail anyway because they found the guy under the car, plus she looked like crap so chances are they'd assume she was attempting to hide the body or something. Basically, she's gonna end up in the SAME consequences as before only +1 dead boyfriend and + 1 dead wife.

Hey Jin! You better not be cheating on me!!
