So Being Bipolar Turns Folks Into Murderers
That's real good to know, I'll make a note of it.
When I think of bipolar characters, I think of Major Margaret "Hot Lips" Houlihan from M*A*S*H.
So, it was real lucky Radar left for home when he did. That final episode had monster ratings for a reason. Margaret snapped and secretly snuffed out all the patients in the ward. Then killed Rosie the bartender, stripping off her face and wearing it as mask. She found in a corner swaying in a bloody mess. Potter calls Dr. Sidney Freedman and when he tries to talk to her she bashes his head in with an oversized wrench belonging to the now dead Rizzo (in a flashback it's revealed Margaret killed him by driving a jeep over his crotch, repeatedly). All the while mouthing the lyrics to "Suicide Is Painless".
It was so creepy. I shutter just remembering it.
Oh and Hawkeye killed a kid.