Yep, I think it's a challenge for regular actors to do voice acting, b/c they just can't get "into character" like when they are on set and say "oh ok I see the setting, the outfit I'm in and the overall environment", voice acting you're in your street clothes in a closed studio room and all you have is the character infront of you. You have to make the voice, emotions, and everything right there on command. Most actors that do an animated movie just use their regular voice and go through the motions, so yes I was surprised she really gave Donna Tubbs character, personally she is my second favorite of the three wives of the Seth McFarlane shows. Francine will always be my favorite, but that's more of the material and crazy situations she is put in, but Sanaa has that classic black woman attitude/sass that you saw in classic comedies with a black cast that I miss. Too many try to be token to please a wider audience and some just act ghetto b/c it's suppose to be a stereotypical spoof. Sanaa Lathan made an actual realistic black woman that I'm use to working with and seeing on a daily basis, she's herself not a stereotype who tries to please everyone and it works. Personally I rank the shows American Dad > old Family Guy (99-06) > Cleveland Show >>>>>>>>>> new Family guy. And I'm not counting these new American Dad episodes on TBS, just the first 9 seasons.