Please do LARX

Keep Renner and Norton, please. Edward Norton is an expert actor. Jerenemy Renner is just a great action guy.

Please tie this back into Matt Damon's character. Please, Please, PLEASE!! Bourne is out there swimming in the Hudson, we know he killed Kirsh. Kenney (Aron) is crusing in PI, and Ricky is in DC facing a congressional hearing with Pam-the-hottie landy. Always liked Linney.

How would you script this? Norton's character (ricky) has to die, but how? Can Matt and Jeremy share the screen? we need Rachael (Doctor Sheering) because she is brilliant.

Like all Bourne movies it has to start off where the last one ends. or there can be an overlay!!! That was awesome((by the way!!!)

I want SOLO (Donna Murphy) back!

I loved SOLO in Star Trek Insurrection! The Line of the movie was Donna Murphy: "Do you realize how much trust you engender <insert name here>"

Edward Norton will be very difficult to cast, he is becoming a huge star like Matt Damon, but we need them both

Renner and Weisz will probably be even harder to cast. They are in HUGE demand right now. AAAAAROOOON, RUN!

Stacy Keach is required, or he could be replaced with Tom Wilkinson ok, OK!
