Older woman likes Legacy----
---Finally got to see it in on HBO and have watched it about 4-5 times now.
Love the opening scenes in the mountains and the snow. Beautiful cinematography.
The title gives a clue. This is like a will with the estate being divided up. But the original person is gone and now we move on with new lives.
Renner as Aaron is an orphan who has an I.Q. below normal. He is allowed to join the service because they need to make their quota. And chosen for the enhancement program.
Now that he has become mentally and physically stronger, why would he want to go back? The plot is coherent to me. He and Dr. Marta going to get him the final shot is dangerous but necessary for their survival. He has to stay strong for them to get away.
Rachels' doctor is a cerebral character that is thrown completely off balance by violence and danger. Almost inchoherant and anyone would be. She is not an agent or had any training. She isn't a tough loser babe like Bournes' girlfriend was.
Both actors are great in their roles. IMHO.
What gets all the young guys all in an orgasmic sweat are the chases and the fights. But while I can watch them and appreciate them as fun, I love the other parts and the character development more.
I love all the Bourne films and have them in my collection. And watch them often. But I love this one too.
I hope that enigmatic smile on Aaron and Marta's faces in the last scene on the boat means we will see them again.
My Movie Blog, The Ancient Pelican here:http://purpleladyj.blogspot.com/