What if Dr. Marta Shearing went on the blues?!? (smart drugs)
That could make a pretty terrific sequel.
Look at what the blue pills did for "Aaron Cross." He started out as a borderline mentally retarded Kenneth Kitsom, and became a very quick, brilliant, hyper-capable secret agent. So, if you accept the basic premise of the blue pills, in this universe, you would really have to agree that they could transform Dr. Shearing into something absolutely awe-inspiring.
She is already an important part of the intellectual power behind designing these amazing drugs. She has multiple PhDs... she is already probably one of the most intelligent people on the planet. Now, what if SHE took the intelligence enhancing drugs?!?!? She would probably become something that we can't even imagine... and not only that: maybe she could figure out ways to enhance herself and Aaron even MORE, turning themselves into virtually godlike beings. She could also improve the drugs even more, in ways that the regular CIA black ops people could never even imagine.
I can't even imagine what Dr. Shearing could think of, with enhanced intelligence, because, of course, I'm not that smart. Maybe she could invent completely new substances, via quantum leaps in materials science, and create her own bullet-proof invisibility cloak, mind-reading technology, the ability to instantly hypnotize anyone, the ability to fly, using some sort of technology that she would invent, the mathematical ability to crack the computer security of the CIA, etc, so she could just walk into her old lab and get any supplies she might want, and no one would even be able to perceive that she was there at all, because of her invisibility...
Anyway. There could be a fun sequel in there, somewhere.
Who's... laughing... NOW?!? BZZZZZZ (hack hack spurt spurt) HA HA HAAA BZZZZZ HA HA HAAA