Rachel Weisz

Spent the first 60% of this film overacting, although the most puzzling part was at the end when they are on the boat. Between getting almost blown away and hopping aboard to freedom, she's for some reason applied about a ton of eye make-up.

Is the character insecure about her looks...or should they have cast a more naturally beautiful actress.

I have no idea....



She is just a naturally beautiful woman, no matter what the make-up crew does.




I don't really see how anyone could criticize her for her looks.
In that last scene on the boat they wanted to make her to be a little coquettish and give Aaron an invitation with her eyes.


I actually was amazed by Rachel's performance. I thought she acted VERY well, and made a wonderful female lead in a otherwise bad film. (Jeremy Renner was equally brilliant in his role).


I could jackhammer Weisz from now till the 4th of July.


You don't have the money for all that Viagra.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.


She seemed true to the character.
