language of the film

i bought a copy of this film at a local market stall the other day. it's a croatian edition of the film, and as best i could translate the blurb and info, i don't think it has english subtitles. i want to watch it, and i was just wondering if anybody who'd seen it could tell me how much of it is in english and how much is in japanese. if it's more than about 20 minutes of japanese dialogue, i might try and find an english edition. if it's less, i'll whack on the croatian subtitles and translate them quickly as i go (or just not have any, it looks like more of an experience film than anything else).

any help and info appreciated. x


You don't need to understand the Japanese, it's from the main characters perspective anyway, who I don't think speaks it.


Definitely try to watch a version without subtitles.

This is a visual film, it won't be as good if you're trying to read at the same time.
