MovieChat Forums > Enter the Void (2010) Discussion > Am I the only that thinks that Oscar is ...

Am I the only that thinks that Oscar is probably just trippin'?

I have read all the summarys, synopsis, reviews etc. I have also read that he is actually dead and his soul is flying around (something similar to the thibetan book of dead).
But what if Oscar is just tripping? There are several scenes that support my idea.

1) When he is with Alex, before doing DMT, Alex says that the drug reminds him of sucking his mom's nipples. Later on, Oscar enters an airplane and there he is sucking his mom's nipples.
2) Alex also said something like "When you are on DMT, you see everything red" or something like that, and when Oscar is shot , he starts seeing everything red.
3) When he is shot he says "Im just trippin"

There were more scenes that made me think about this theory, but what do you think?


Totally what I thought. I picked up on that DMT quote from Alex too. Plus all the weird lights. And the sex part near the end where the dick is glowing and the smell coming out of the pussy like lights. Ive never done LSD or any similar drugs but ive heard thats what it is like. Seeing smells as colour. Also there are some colors you can only see when you trip balls. And you can only ever see them once.


i thought the same, and it seems this is actually correct, as gaspar noé stated that "the movie is not so much about reincarnation. It's more about someone who gets shot while on acid and DMT, and trips out about his own death and dreams about his soul escaping from his flesh, because he to keep this promise to his sister that he'll never leave her, even after death."

you can read his full interview here:é-interview-enter-the-void-illegal-substances-and-life-after-death
