Last Episode(s) Symbolism
I just finished watching the series. I was thinking about some of the symbolism of the last couple of episodes. These are thoughts and questions that I have so far:
* On the hallucination scene at the end, we see several people from her past that have passed away: Charlie, the bicycle guy, and the nun. Does this mean that Jackie is dying? Or that she is thinking about those people?
* She takes off her stethoscope, id, and watch. Does her taking off the watch mean that it's the end of time for her?
* Vigilante Jones I think is really a representation of Jackie herself. Someone who thinks that s/he is saving others no matter what the cost. Someone who thinks that they are above everything (Vigilante doesn't care about his legs/feet, Jackie doesn't care about using drugs). Someone who, figuratively (Jackie) or literally (Vigilante) think that they can fly and ultimately jump to their deaths (again, figuratively or literally).
* The drug addict (I can't remember his name) from whom Jackie obtains the heroin at the end. Isn't he the one who said in an earlier episode "Why save me? I'm going to use again anyway." Isn't that exactly the story with Jackie, she is "saved" or gets clean, just to use again anyway.
* I really think that there is some symbolism to Dr. Prince at the end, I just can't quite figure it out.