What a shame that ...

The writers of a medical show didn't go s little medical research?


Coop says in s6 e9 that he caught shingles at the ER. Nope. You develop shingles (herpes zoster) only if you've already had chicken pox (herpes varicella).

Been there; done that.


Then why is it than when I had shingles my doctor told me to stay away from young people, old people, and pregnant women, since I could be contagious and those people would be more susceptible to catching it from me?


If you have shingles, you can give chicken pox to anyone who has not had it. My husband had had chicken pox when he was little, so my shingles didn't affect him. My daughters, then 5 and 2, got chicken pox from me.


Um, yes you can. When we have people with shingles we have to put on full precautionary gear to work on them. They're not really contagious unless the little blisters burst, which will most likely happen.


Not to mention most of us that haven't had a vaccine have had chicken pox. Anyone born before the 90's you can assume has had chicken pox.


Ugh. I am still recovering from a shingles outbreak.It's like recovering from the worst sunburn of your life. True, you can't catch shingles from someone with shingles, but you can catch chicken pox from him if you're not immune.


Yes, I was born in 1954, and most kids of my generation caught chicken pox as a matter of course. There was no vaccine as far as I know. I am 62 now, and it's a trip to be suffering from a virus in my body that is 55 years old!


The other thing that doesn't make sense is suboxone. Jackie took it and then took pills after and was 'messed up'. I was on pills for years and when I couldn't find any pills i took suboxone. It takes over your opiate receptors and blocks any opiates for at least 36-48 hours. There is no way she would have felt anything from the pills for a couple days after


Not a documentary.
