MovieChat Forums > The Boys (2019) Discussion > Make America Super Again

Make America Super Again

That was subtle. It's also hilarious. It does a good job of illustrating how liberals view themselves and others in a way that is 180° from reality.

It's good though, Hollywood is the place where beta-cuck losers and nerds can live out their fantasies.


Yeah it kind of illustrated how both sides are as bad as each other in a way.

Brought back to mind that old Buffalo Springfield song from 1967 and it could have been played out over the ending of clips of both sides doing what they're doing.

There's battle lines being drawn,
And nobody's right if everybody's wrong,

What a field day for the heat,
A thousand people in the street,
Singing songs and a-carryin' signs,
Mostly say, Hooray for our side.

Paranoia strikes deep,
Into your life, it will creep,
It starts when you're always afraid.

It's kind of where we're at, a your either with us or against, a no middle ground type of thing.


Yes, they project all of their fascist flaws on the other side, all their cover ups and schemes and lies and propaganda...

The main mental flaw liberals have is that they think appearances matter more than anything. They care so much about status and political correctness that they believe, giving Homelander the superficial appearance of Trump is enough to make people hate Trump.

What they minds fail to understand is that to a Republican only deeds matter, not words. Words are meaningless. Putting awful deeds and mixing them with Trump rhetoric doesn't make Trump the author of those deeds.

This is also why they fail to realize that Vaught is using all of the liberal tactics of mass manipulation. Based on deeds alone, Vaught actually acts the part of a liberal organization. Just using gender, abortion and patriarchy rhetoric can't change the fact that at every turn Vaught is acting like liberals. They are essentially liberal-acting but Republican mouthing with the hope of discrediting Republicans for methods they (the left) actually use. It is Republicans who are anti-lobby, who combat the deep state and media orchestrated lies and character assassinations. There is no more anti Vaught and pro democracy than a Republican. A Republican fights for the rule of law, for the founding principles of the United States.

I feel bad for their lack of perspective, in a way it shows a certain frailty of thought on the part of the showrunners. Like most Woke shows, there is no congruence, no psychological continuity or verisimilitude. It is so alien that they find their own show convincing, when in reality it is so far-fetched and unrealistic that it ends up looking like a subversive attempt at fooling the public - the essence of what they always do.

It ends up being a rare admission of their subversive tendencies that is actually shameful and will get the left a lot of criticism for these methods. It exposes their tactics all too welll and even pushes those to their ridiculous conclusion: reality doesn't matter, lies, appearances and manipulation are everything - that's what the showrunners shout at us through what they have just released. I think the show will awaken a lot of people to the dishonesty of the left and it will have the predictable effect of further increasing Trump's popularity.


No it's fucking lazy writing, like most shit that comes from Hollywood. Then can't create compelling stories, so they piggyback on nostalgia or current political events, to get outrage points and attention from Tiktok generation of "reaction" normies.


Explain what is real then. I am not a leftist, but pray, let me know of this famed mythical reality.
