MovieChat Forums > The Boys (2019) Discussion > Why Deep and A-Train are still on this ...

Why Deep and A-Train are still on this show?

They basically have no connection to main plot. And they are not good, not evil. There is no Jaime Lannister redemption role or something for them. They are just two boring, no personality characters that for some reason are still on this show and get so much screen time with their boring non-problems.

Writers dont know what to do with them. So much that they put Deep as some head of some computer department in ep 5 or something. Just because they needed to create some side plot for him.

Just kill them off and introduce new characters.

A-Train is the most useless character in this show. So boring. Just walks around for 3 seasons being miserable and depressed.


You cannot get rid of a minority just like that.


I mean Deep i not a minority.

But at least give that stupid A-Train something important to do. But he just wonders around for 3 seasons with sad eyes and do nothing.

And they dont know what to do with Deep either. Literally. It was some nonsense cult last season. Now its ... I dont even know what he is doing. Just goes from place to place.


calls the most whitest guy a minority to score "conservative victim points"

good one. whine like a bitch


I’ll add.

We have big plot with Homelander against Starlight and Butcher gang that tries to take him down.

And then we have A-Train and Deep who are not part of any side. There are basically not even part of that Seven. They are in, then out. Whatever. And every season they have they own separate plot as if they are some very important main characters and it will all be connected at the end...

Which it wont. It obvious now. Its like showrunners tole writers: "Deep and A-Train are important main characters so create some storyline for them too". And so writers do. When no one cares about them at ll, No showrunners. not public. They are just... there.

But since they are boring and empty characters to begin with - writers cant make up anything interesting. So last season Deep was in a cult. And A-train was losing his speed and being sad about it.

Now they awkwardly inserted Deep into Seven again for no reason. When Homelander despises him and thinks he is an unworthy loser. A-Train got plot with that BLM and his brother.

Same with Maeve too. Its very obvious this season that they dont know what to do with her. And she was very much "hanging in the background' previous season too.


What happens to them in the comics? Does the show stray from the comics?


The show has strayed quite a bit from the comics.


Hughie needs to get revenge for A-Train murdering his girlfriend and has only recently received Compound-V, which would allow him to stand a chance against A-Train, one-on-one.

The Deep is comedy relief. Starlight also needs to get revenge on him at some point.

Even though these characters are going through their own personal struggles (allowing the writers to explore the nature of celebrity) and display some sympathy towards the black community and sea creatures, respectively, both of these guys are evil.


Is A-Train still on the show though?
