Russian movie thats cross between, alien/arrival/splice this was o.k but could have been better, nice claustrophobic atmosphere but not enough of creature and too much long pauses where little happens and even the ending which should have been more more action packed seemed kinda abit slow.
I agree. Just finished watching it and thought it was decent, but only worth a one time viewing.
If you want a real good alien movie from the last few years, the best of the lot is easily Life (2017), with Jake Gyllenhaal - it was FAR better than this slow burn flick and the alien in it was one of the coolest monsters seen on the big screen. Hope they make a sequel for it.
I've seen life and that was cool flick - forgot to mention this movie was similar to that as well but alot slow burner then that overall.
Was hoping the wheelchair child had some sort of connection to the creature or something unexpected would happen at the end but no and it definitely it a one time watch movie.