Oliver Platt
He was the only responsible character in the entire movie. Everyone else seemed to be focused on fantasy social justice warrior causes while he was busy making sure the Arks got built, that people were selected properly (i.e. no bums or criminals), and that the mobs did not swamp the Arks. He was all about survival of the human species, and should have been praised. Someone had to make the tough decisions there.
Two of his best moments (1) when he tells the spoiled scientist/1st Daughter that they're free to give their tickets to a couple of Chinese laborers, and they ignore him but still jump on board, and (2) when scientists complains that his room could fit 10 people in it, but then in the the last scene he's in the same room with only the spoiled first daughter, guess he could only fit 1 more in there eh? 8 more didn't exactly suit his expensive tastes i guess.