Billionaires labouring to rebuild civilization?
The end of the movie. Let's give this some thought. A bunch of billionaires with the last intact army in the world landed on the shores of Africa. So where does it go from there? Hold hands with the natives, sing Kumbiya and rebuild civilization? Let's play this out.
Oliver Platt goes before a huge gathering of these billionaires with a bullhorn, drops a bunch of shovels at their feet and goes;
"You have a lifetime of back-breaking labour to look forward rebuilding civilization, have fun."
And there'll be this one foppish aristocrat in the corner, wearing a yacht's hat and stirring a pina-colada and says;
"We could do that, or, we could, hear me out, take this lovely army you were so fortunate enough to bring with us, send them out to round up the local natives and force them to do all the work for us. And if they organize resistance, we head back out to sea and threaten to drop nuclear bombs on the lot of them.
So, would you be so nice as to head back up to the bridge? Find that quaint little house ni##er who lives up there, tell him thank you for warning us about the end of the world and tell him to take his Phd and build me a mansion with it. Something with lots of terra cotta, very ostentatious. There's a good lad. Now lend me that bullhorn for a tic, would you?"
(heads to deck facing the shore and clears throat )
"Attention locals. APARTHEID REINSTATED. You there in the red shirt. Yes you. You have fifteen minutes head start before me and the lads come out and start hunting you for sport in gunship helicopters. Get going, chop chop."