I thought the implication was that the person who actually raped his mother was Louis-- thought I saw a reveal scene about it but just watched movie again and there was nothing mentioned about it
was I thinking of different movie???
"...That's the beauty of argument, Joey. If you argue correctly, you're never wrong..."
yeah i never read the book but that would explain why she never pressed charges she and the son said himself she liked being in control so i dont think she would have let it go unless she had reason like it was her son
That's a theory, never stated as fact. I have always thought that Louis raped his mother. He hated women, violently so. One can assume that those feelings arose at his mother's knee. Why wouldn't he hate her above all others, at the same time using her to cover his tracks? One thing the movie changed that you learn from the book is that Roulet controls his mother. One has to ask oneself, when did that dynamic start?
It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it. RIP Roger Ebert
I don't know, I think that's too much of a stretch. If his mother was willing to kill for him then she would obviously be willing to lie about being raped. It seemed more like a manipulative tactic and it obviously worked to his benefit in the trial. They needed sympathy and they needed a reason for him to carry a knife.
They mentioned how both times he was making sure he had someone to take the fall for his murders. (Or attempted murder in the second) He was a calculating person and the idea that he would rape someone who would still be around in his life to possibly tell the story doesn't fit with everything we learn about him.