And the bikers...

Why don't they just call him, to negotiate new business and fees, and discuss their case?
Instead of Mad Max jacking his car out on the freeway each time, leading to potential misunderstandings ?


I kept waiting for Right-Turn Clyde to show up.



When these boards go away, it's posts like these I'm gonna miss the most. Way to go, Philo.


'Cos the movies.


These actions are taken directly from the book; his car is Mickey's office, so it might be that their motorcycles are their offices, too. Harder for a cop or rival motorcycle club to stake out your hangout or sneak up on you without you seeing them, that way. I'm thinking Mickey's reasoning is that staying on the move as they meet, prevents anyone watching Mickey's office or home with him unaware, too. Stops them from linking him directly with their motorcycle club or its leader. Versus them thinking he is only defending one of their members, or that he only works for them occasionally. Seems neither he nor they really wanted to regularly be seen together.


Well said!



Being pulled over by a phalanx of bikers is more dramatic and entertaining than watching two guys on the phone.
