MovieChat Forums > Triangle (2009) Discussion > I know the loop was Jess punishment what...

I know the loop was Jess punishment what did the others guys do??

I was just wondering. I get the film and i understand why its happening, but what i do not get is why was it downeys punishment over and over. Even tho they have know clue its happening over and over they still are in it... if you get what i mean lol.

I also do not get why she did things so many things that were the same. I know if it was me i would do sooo many things differently when the guys boarded the boat =D


I had the same question.

Maybe "poor Heather" was actually lucky & only died once.

I agree about changing a pattern to break it. I'd show myself when they came to board and warn them off.

But as with so many things, it's easy to kibitz when it's not happening to you. Plus, it was her "punishment from the gods," so she would be manipulated into reliving it.

One thing that surely would break it is to pay/tip the Driver handsomely!


I don't think they were real people, I think they were like machines almost. The entire scenario was Jess's Sisyphus scenario, she'd metaphorically roll a boulder up a hill and then right as she got near the top, the boulder would roll down to the bottom of the mountain again.

She did the same things because her situation was meant to be hopeless and because she had no memory of doing them earlier.


"I know the loop was Jess punishment"

it wasn't

"I get the film and i understand why its happening, but what i do not get is why was it downeys punishment over and over. Even tho they have know clue its happening over and over they still are in it... if you get what i mean lol."

because you are wrong.

"I also do not get why she did things so many things that were the same. I know if it was me i would do sooo many things differently when the guys boarded the boat =D "

because she did not know.


It's pretty obvious they were wondering why not just Jess suffered the same fate over and over if it's her punishment.
No need to be an ass about it.


Punishment for what though?


For killing her son


It's both a time loop with innocent bystanders drawn into it, and a form of punishment (for not paying the ferryman). Want more detailed discussion. A LOT more detailed discussion? Check this out:


I was expecting a film like Open Seas or Lifeboat. Then, maybe something about a ghost ship. The Groundhog Day aspect of the film, mixed with horror elements and some sadness, really made me think about what I saw by the time I finished.
