MovieChat Forums > Spread (2009) Discussion > Where Can I Watch This Film????

Where Can I Watch This Film????

I have been looking literally everywhere on the internet for this film but cant find it.

I have even done those stupid surveys on certain sites but dont work.

Does anyone have an ACTUAL link to the film with no surveys?

I would be really grateful, i live in the UK and am unable to watch it.

Thanks a lot.


give it another week or will certainly be uploaded online.

Zachary Quinto is ridiculously sexy!


and when it is, post the link on here pleasee, or send me it. :) same situation as OP, sucks to be British when ya wanna see this movie.


I found it on the net for download I havent checked for streaming.... its out there You just havent been looking hard enough.

ah nevermind that wasnt it...just wait till comes out on dvd.
