MovieChat Forums > Spread (2009) Discussion > 1000 things I learned from Spread

1000 things I learned from Spread

1. Even really beautiful people can be beyond annoying.
2. Ashton Krutcher dresses like a bad he talks.
3. Anne Heche aged well... of course maybe on her planet beings age at different rate.
4. Suspenders still look really stupid.
5. Tons of sex can get really boring.
6. You can have a really nice house, be rich beyond reason, and be a complete naive...
7. People really need to shower before they swim.
8. Being homeless with a cell phone works...
9. Suspenders with no shirt works even less.
10. Obnoxious attire doesn't hide a terrible script.

Tarponlarry...just a big fish in a bigger ocean.


11. It is just as annoying to watch people talk on a cell in a movie as it is in real life.
12. Maria Alonso could've become a great character actor if she didn't do the plastic surgery...her voice coming from a marshmallow man is depressing.
13. Skanks don't have many friends.
14. Krutcher owns stalk in underoos and is trying to bring them back.
15. Old school football helmets can show up in the strangest of places...
16. Facemasks on said helmets don't get in the way of carnal activity.
17. It is really sad to see what happened to Lisa P.
18. Sex on the beach is not just a drink.
19. The Volvo Station Wagon is the choice vehicle of the LA playa...
20. Fiance has a whole different meaning where I come from.

Tarponlarry...just a big fish in a bigger ocean.


21. Puking is a good plot device to allow for a private cell phone conversation...
22. "Go Get her..." just doesn't have any meaning anymore.
23. This could've been the set up for "Zack & Miri" make a porno.
24. This would've been so much better if Kelso had been the Kutcher...
25. Mopey horrible people...get something with your life...quit leeching of the living.
26. Ironic, no just stupid, that Kutcher "delivers the groceries" half the movie to Anne Heche...than he literally delivers the groceries.
27. My first priority in getting back on my feet would not be ownership of a big ugly frog.
28. I wish this had been an hour and a half of Heather putting peanut butter on toast.
29. Maybe would have been better if the whole thing had been the frog.
30. A movie with the whole "life in LA" premise without any specific reference to any star, movie, the industry...could be filmed in Idaho with general potato references...
Tarponlarry...just a big fish in a bigger ocean.


31. It takes about 5 minutes for a frog to digest a mouse.
32. Beautiful people love to read about Che.
33. Friends can give you an engagement ring and a plane ticket, all you have to do is ask.


34. 15 years after Clueless, the beauty that is Rachel Blanchard is still amazingly gorgeous.


35: Anne Heche never was, & never will be, sexy.



46. If you don't own a pair of socks, don't try to hide it, just peg your pants and flaunt it.
47. If you don't have food just go to your local supermarket and dine with the
promotion lady.
48. Carry some sort of dirt to chew at the end of your meal, the sophisticated way to dine and dash.
49. Moth balls are good.
50. You can't flirt your self out of a parking ticket in L.A.
51. People can't really see you doing it in your back yard.
52. Wearing wet clothes makes you cool if not find some place to dry it.
53. Sunset Blvd. is a really nice place to dry your clothes.
54. A party thrown in the absence of your parents or sugar mama always gets caught.

~love is all we need~
