What are the sex scenes and how much nudity in this movie ?
Hi !
I was wondering how sexual this movie is. Are the sex scenes that strong ? Who is nude ? What do we see ? Breasts ? Female sex ? Male sex ?
Hi !
I was wondering how sexual this movie is. Are the sex scenes that strong ? Who is nude ? What do we see ? Breasts ? Female sex ? Male sex ?
we see female breasts (anne heche & margarita levieva), Ashton ass, and that's all
but they're many nude scenes though
There is also a strip club scene, a couple of nude/sex scenes with Rachel Blanchard and that naked cheerleader chick. No genitalia is shown, but the sex scenes are pretty graphic.
shareAs usual, no female genitalia is shown. The Hollywood double-standard really sucks. Dozens of regular R-rated mainstream movies will show full male genitalia (such as Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Walk Hard, Sex and the City, Bruno, The Hangover, etc) but they will NEVER show full FEMALE genitalia. We usually only get non-genital nudity from women (boobs) and, in rare cases, a flash of pubic hair, but we never get to see actual female genitalia. How come the male sex organs can be shown (penis and testicles) in so many movies but the female sex organs (clitoris and labia) are still considered taboo? Even in these so-called sex comedies which are targeted to a young male audience and are marketed on their skin content, we still don't get to see any vagina! Obviously, many people are interested in seeing female genitalia too, so why won't Hollywood and the MPAA ever allow it to be seen? Its a completely unfair and sexist double-standard that needs to end! There should be at least a few films released each year that show FEMALE genitalia ..instead of just films showing male genitalia. Penises have been shown for years; its time the vagina starts making an appearance in mainstream, R-rated cinema too. I think better and more graphic female nudity would have increased dvd sales for this movie.
Actually Kellycastlebridge, there are films where women showed the same as men. Both men and women have done full frontal. Take Showgirls..during the lap dance you see the main charector in all her glory. Now if we want to go further and show the woman's sexual parts then we should have men with full on erections which is also not seen.
It's a Hollywood R-Rated film, what do you think? American films show barely anything, even "NC-17" ratings are usually mild. I hate to point out the obvious, but the US is the country of prudes, always has been and always will be.
shareNot the country of prudes, just a few uptight A-Holes ruin it for the rest of us.
shareAnd what do you think of Japan (where they mosaic porn), South Korea, China, Mongolia, India, Indonesia and the middle east? In those countries they dont allow half of what the U.S. allows if anything. Well guess what? Thats ASIA. And thats the majority of people on this Earth. How can the U.S. be prudes if they show more than the majority of people on Earth are allowed to watch?
enough for you to wank for a while
shareThere are some things in the movie i've never seen in other mainstream films like Ashton Kutcher grabbing Anne Heches's vagina
Look it up yourself :
England? Repressed? lmfao. Get a grip.
excuse me, wtf u doin??
If you want nudity, just watch porn. Why seek it in mainstream movies?
shareWell, frenchy you wont be disappointed, sure only bits & pieces but at least they finally done it and the curiosity-perve stopped. Though im sure a lot of men likes to see more of them in different angle & different stories
I knewwww ive seen that chick before, she's hot indeed! the one from The Invisible.
I realise that people often wonder why we asked about Nudity...id like to think the main reason...was just that! theyve done Nude. For example, millions of disappointed fans still awaits on Alicia Silverstone showing her boobies [haha]
I think you can see Margarita's "private part" at 44:43.
sharePeople are really indeed sad just to watch naked actors in this film. JUST RENT PORN! lol
shareNot that it's overly impottant but I might as well say for some of these 9 year olds. My bloody valentine 3D has a graphic sex scene and the girl walks around full shown for like 5 minutes.
Tina, When we need something done you use your mind, not your lady parts.