I wonder why all the serial killers couldn't fight each other.
I really don't think it's that hard to write a decent script for a movie like this one. Especially, having Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Pinhead, etc. all in one parody movie. If I were the writer or director, I'd write such a kick ass script, like having these serial killers fight each other and stuff. I think we would all like to see something cool like that. And of course it'd be awesome if it were funny too. Why couldn't the writers just do something like that, that would make audiences enjoy, instead of just watching random and a bit boring sketches of Stan and his friends just running into a bar where they do karaoke? This movie wasn't really good, but I didn't expect it to be good. It's just that the writers need to come up with some good stuff if they really want to sell the movie.
"How come no one's ever tried to be a superhero?" -K-A