MovieChat Forums > Stan Helsing (2010) Discussion > WATCH THIS MOVIE HIGH...TRUST ME


Trust me...light a joint, vape up, do whatever you gotta do. this is by far the BEST MOVIE i've ever seen while high. it will *beep* with you. make sure you are like totally baked tho. eat some icecream and some white castle too. you will laugh your *beep* ass off. i laughed so much that my neighbors heard me.


No, hop-head. It was great weed and it was still a stupid, worthless movie. Weed does for movies what alcohol does for chicks.

--I Came--I Saw--I Made an offer he couldn't refuse


Fu**ing Stoners....



Those arrows are not stoners my psychotic friend.

Kid. Like Seriously. He's a beast.


you say stoners like its an insult....


Yeah being a stoner was cool, then I got out of middle school.


you smoked to be cool? how pathetic... people smoke because its enjoyable to do things baked


If you did not smoke you would have had enough brain cells left to understand the joke.


lol @ marijuana killing brain cells

Kinda sad that there are a few people who still haven't learned that Marijuana has never caused brain cell loss or damage. Hmm pity.


LOL @ anyone who thinks marijuana does not make people slow. Funny thing that when I smoked heavily I became a high school drop out, but after I quit I became a honor roll college student. So you can delude yourself all you want, I am talking from experience. Weed makes you slow and stupid and no body who smokes will never realize that until they quit and realize they wasted a good portion of their life.

Oh yeah, my friends who say the same thing you do are still sitting in their one bedroom apartments making just enough to pay rent and buy video games.


Neato. I am a heavy Marijuana smoker making straight A's in a college that costs $70,000 a year, half of which is paid by scholarships. Atop of that I'm an intern working in Microsofts IT department. I guess me using marijuana has caused me to be so stupid that I get on a movie database forum and try to preach how much of a screwup I am by blaming it all on marijuana use. You think what you want, you screwed up; it's not the marijuanas fault.

Looks like my job here is done. Have a nice life.


LOL what ever you say. I have never seen a straight A student make so many spelling mistakes before. But go ahead and keep telling yourself that. BTW I did not come on hear to preach, but I guess you must have gotten confused. I wonder why that was.


LOLZ at you; he didn't make any spelling mistakes. Just an FYI.


I count 2 spelling errors and two punctuation errors. Not good for someone who clams to be a straight A student. Perhaps you should go back to school.


"I count 2 spelling errors and two punctuation errors. Not good for someone who clams to be a straight A student. Perhaps you should go back to school."



"clams"? just got owned, F*A*G*G*0*T


OMG a typo such a huge pwn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


here************************** ..nice!

you suck
Life is like a movie. Only you can't pick your genre.


Most people of intellect have dabbled in drug use. Nothing wrong with it and if you can function at a high level while high, that tells you that you are not stupid. I think the really ignorant people give users a bad name.

To be able to be in total control while under the influence should be commendable


Do you also leap over tall buildings in a single bound, Captain Crutch?


This thread is further proof that we are the dumbest fcking species on the planet.

"What are you some kind of half-assed astronaut?" - 'Quint' in JAWS



i saw this sober but its a good suggestion

the movie even prompts you to 'lighten up'... yeah

nevermind the hypocrite haters...



I'm reading this high...jk

Killing people is easy...if you can forget the taste of sugar.


Ouch that stings, I hope I can get to sleep tonight after that.



Ugh. Pot good, pot bad. Doesn't matter either way. No amount of any drug will make this movie funny. I wanted to like it 'cause Steve Howie was funny on Reba, but this played like it was written by a kid.

Pinhead with syringes and darts sticking out of his head? Freddy in a bowler? Oooo, Jason Voorhees in a hockey jersey? Leatherface with big, floppy ears? Bah.


So, if marijuana can make a boring movie hysterical, wouldn't one that's actually funny benefit that much more from being stoned?

