MovieChat Forums > Stan Helsing (2010) Discussion > Was Michael Jackson Parodied?

Was Michael Jackson Parodied?

in this?


Yes sir.


HAhaha im definitely seeing it now


that's what all the children thought as well




You do realize there's no proof of him ever having touched a little boy "like that", right?

"Everybody relax, I'm here." - Jack Burton




The Devil exists because there's no proof he doesn't.

You're a *beep* because there's no proof you aren't.

I'm a ghost because there's no proof that I'm not.

The internet is ruled by aliens because there's no proof it isn't.

You're brainwashed by a cat because there's no proof you aren't.

Not really, but the one claming things is the one responsible for bringing the proof. It's not my responsibility to disapprove the claim of others.

"Everybody relax, I'm here." - Jack Burton



That's the thing; we don't know if he is!!!!

"Everybody relax, I'm here." - Jack Burton


so, that makes you a child molester too, i guess... because, you know, there is no proof...

This is your life. It is ending one minute at a time.


Was that aimed at me or the guy I was talking to? lol

"Everybody relax, I'm here." - Jack Burton


That is a stupid question 'is there any proof he did not'.


He was found not guilty twice. In the eyes of the law, he did not do it. And yes, there have been times guilty people have gone free, but you (not you personally, but anyone) can't prove anything did or did not happen unless you were there.
(My band)



Even better: the people who claimed he did have admitted they made it up...

"Consciousness turns moments into palpable components of the Unity that is (in) everything"




This scene honestly had me laughing, more so the scene right after when they notice the Bar sign.

One day i'll have something cool posted here....


Yea they parody him in a scene selling ice cream out of a truck, a few kids are shown walking away with the "Rocket Sucker" which is a Popsicle in the shape of a penis.


It was filmed last year before his death but they could've edited it how so it was in bad taste.

Evil triumphs when good men do nothing


He gives kids ice cream pops that are shaped like rocket ships......lmao!

R.I.P. Nana, Dad, & Uncle Steve



I think almost any parody movie has someone that is acting and looking like Michael Jackson and involving boys.

A man can change his stars


The problem is not whether he was or wasn't a pedophile, or if he's dead or alive, it's that Michael Jackson pedophile jokes are SO played out. They're not funny anymore.
Paul R.


I didn't find it funny at all how they put that in that movie. It's just sickening that people would stoop so low to make fun of some one else. I turned the movie off, and refuse to watch it. It's a disgrace. People really need to grow up, Michael deserves more respect than what people are giving him.
