this was GREAT!

i feel somebody needs to defend this il do it

rented this today with a mate..not expecting much we were highly amused by the movie. Sure its no masterpiece but if you dont expect an oscar winner its really fun to watch id rather watch this then half the top 250 tbh.

Mia and Nadine were hot.. the black dude was funny and Stan was a good lead character imo

way better then all the scary movies(minus 1+2) and all other parody movies

If you can find this cheap give it a shot unless ur one of those guys who consider urself to be to sophisticated and academic to laugh at unclever sutff like this...most other average Joes will like it im sure of it


I'm gonna have to agree with this. By no means was this a good movie, but I laughed consistently throughout it. There were a number of moments that had me laughing hard:

The line, "I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous".

The random Jaws

And when they're watching the news and find out about how the prisoner escapee killed all the special ed children and that the dog they hit was a hero.

Anyone who still has faith in humanity has never been to the imdb boards.


I would'nt say it was great, but it's not bad, if you go in with low expectations. The girls were hot (& showed a good sense of humor) Kenan Thompson was funny. The least interesting guy was the person playing Stan Helsing!



I thought it was great its funny movie all the way through and yup the chicks are both hot, and the leslie nelson camoeo was funny too. its an all around funny parody of everything .


totally agree with you. to me it is one of those movies you could watch over and over again and it wouldnt get boring or less funny


Just watched it on STARZ and it's pretty good in a campy sorta way.
Dope music score too!

Discover secrets you never knew existed!


It's not that bad, really, and it puts me into the Halloween spirit.
Plus, I like it more than Van Helsing, that's for sure.

Halloween is coming...
