This movie had ONE - well - I guess TWO things going for it...
And thats Diora Baird and her fine ass. I mean, damn, she was jaw-droppingly hot and the only thing this movie has worth even looking at for more than two seconds.
The lead character was too pretty-boy looking for me to buy him as this underdog slacker/unlikely hero, I couldn't stand him. Kenan Thompson hasn't been funny since he was 12-years old on Nickelodeon. The blonde chick made me wish they'd kill her off and I was pissed she survived. None of the jokes work, in fact, they all bomb so badly its not even on a so-bad-its-funny like cheesy slasher flicks, which is what I think they were trying to go for. And it looked like it was made on a budget of like $2,000 and I'm even being generous with that.
Could have been a fun movie but too many things were wrong with it. Still, Diora in that Indian costume... damn...