Top ten worst movies ever! If IMDB allowed a 0/10 rating, I would give it for this piece of whale s**t! I rate all of my movies like the MPAA, with a four star system. I rarely give out 0 stars. I will give 1/2 stars to horrible films that may have one or two redeeming qualities about it. But this had nothing whatsoever redeeming about it. Not even Kenan could save this. I am a huge fan of his, and I think he is funny. But even he wasn't funny. For crying out loud, Leslie Nielsen wasn't even funny! I knew five minutes in that I didn't like this movie, but my wife wanted to keep watching. There are few movies that make me feel physically ill. But, this is one of them. If you haven't seen this picture yet, PLEASE DON'T! JUST RUN!