And I completely agree with your assessment about where we are headed. It would be great to see Mike Judge create a movie about a Glenn Beck / Sean Hannity / Rush Limbaugh type radio personality, and the minions that follow him. That would be some great satire.
But that's been done countless times on shows like Simpsons and FG. Goode Family was great because it was something fairly new; a satire of people who take environmentalism
way beyond rational thinking.
But, unlike Simpsons and FG's 2D portrayal of every right winger as a gun-toting, bible quoting maniac, GF portrayed even those they were mocking with decency. We may laugh at the Goode's ways, but we respect them as a family.
That's what made the show stand out for me.
BTW, I don't think Judge has ever told the public his beliefs, and while he is right-leaning, he made fun of the extremists several times in Beavis & Butthead.
I know a spell that'll make you show your true form! Cave rat taught it to me.