Holly is a cruel Goddess!

This movie is about lifestyle Mistress / slave relationship and how a slave sacrifices his life for a sadistic dominant woman.

The brilliant part is; it's told in a "mainstream" crime/horror movie style and it's transparent to "vanilla" people. They don't even notice it's a BDSM story.


The consistency in the comical BD/SM people is truly noteworthy.

They, often being over-fed and (sometimes brutally) unattractive people, use that word "Vanilla" a lot. It's a point of pride with them. And doesn't that just figure? Don't take my word for it, pay attention next time you run into one of them, it never fails.

And as the saying goes, when you have little to be proud of, you stick to those insignificant things you hold dear...with great enthusiasm.

Bitter pill, I know. But then, what isn't?

A guy I knew years ago, who was well above 300 pounds, usually had food stains on his clothes, worked (and still does) in the mail room for nearly minimum wage, and was the absolute definition of female-repellent, would often belittle those who knew less about the many Civil War battles than he did, during the countless times he was able to work his vast knowledge of that subject into the conversation. Many of us found it both hilarious, and also a prime example of that psychological phenomenon I just mentioned. He really had nothing else going for him, other than his encyclopedic knowledge of every single Civil War battle. And those who didn't? Well, he delighted in considering them to be beneath him, and making it known. Sad, pathetic, ironic, and funny...all at once.

Surely there's a name for this condition, yes? A few people I know loosely refer to is as "Roadie inferiority complex", since the failed wanna-be musicians who can only find jobs doing grunt work for real bands have this same condition at epic levels, but surely there is legit term, yes?

Some people, who are at the bottom (and know it), who aren't terribly wise or aware, often take pleasure in pooping upon anyone they can, given the opportunity.



Strange. One of the reasons I liked this movie was because instead of the BDSM that you think it's going to be about, it isn't really at all.

I mean, there's literally no sex in the movie. That was kind of the big twist -- you think the creepy nerd is stalking the woman because he is a pervert, but actually, he's trying to stop her from being a serial murderer.


`I mean, there's literally no sex in the movie. `

I said BDSM, not `sex`.
BDSM SEX is an other topic.
As I said before, most of the people think the only way of having sexual satisfaction is thru sexual intercourse.
Google for `trample`, `crush`, `giantess`, `ballbusting`, `financial-slave`, `humiliation` etc... and you'll see what I mean. These are some of the ways of sexual satisfaction and they do not include sexual intercourse of any kind.

Let me show you a bdsm fetish shop that shows many interesting bdsm acts that include no "sex" (as you define it).

This one is a good example of how sex is not involved in BDSM.
Submissive men getting satisfied by PAYING MONEY. They get insulted and humiliated (and used) by the woman. Again, no `sex` is involved.

Here is another one; Giantess slaves
Man jerk of to the idea of giant woman and getting squished underfoot.

back to the movie;
the boy is a submissive person and he has a crush for the woman.
he becomes her addicted slave, to a degree of cutting a finger for her.
then he sacrifices his life becoming a permanent slave.


There was nothing in the movie that implied that either of the main characters was getting any kind of sexual satisfaction out of BDSM, even without actual sex.

I think you probably just like focusing on BDSM, so you see it everywhere, even in movies where it doesn't exist.

Note: Even though this is a board for discussing movies you have supposedly already watched,someone complained that I discussed the plot. The real plot, as opposed to the imagined spoiler imaginary plot the OP posted. So, to please them, I'm going to block out my "spoiler comments". I trust that anyone who hasn't watched the movie will be suitably warned to NOT continue reading. I repeat, do NOT click on this blocked out portion! If you do, you might find out, as is made clear in the trailer, that the movie involves someone caging a person.

The dude did not put the woman in a cage to humiliate, trample, subjugate or turn her into a slave, and there's nothing in the movie that implies he is doing it because it sexually (mentally) satisfies him. In fact, that's one of the twists of the movie -- you expect that it's going to be some kind of BDSM or such, and instead it turns out that the dude just wanted to keep the woman from continuing her serial murderess spree, and to keep her safe from committing crimes she'll be arrested for.

The dude is literally taking responsibility for her as if she was a dog that had been biting random strangers and would be impounded and put down. He "saves" her from the consequences of what she had been doing.He even states clearly that is what he is doing.

No idea why you are making up the idea that the dude "sacrificed" his life to be her permanent slave. First of all, the movie unrealistically shows him in a cage after having had his throat slit by the woman. He did not volunteer, nor martyr himself in any way -- she cut his throat.

She was manipulative, yes, but even that didn't involve BDSM or sex -- her deal was exploiting his need to be seen as loyal and someone who cared more for her than her douche boyfriend -- he cared so much he was willing to "crate train" her as you would a dog, in order to break her bad habits, for her own good.

You are completely overlooking the very solid backdrop of the dog shelter the movie is set at. There's a reason the movie shows him not stepping up to save Lexie the dog -- it's where he got the idea to train the woman like a dog obedience trainer. Nothing to do with BDSM. In fact, he only got the idea of the crate from the dog shelter after he read her diary and found out she'd been murdering people.

The movie is named "Pet" for a reason. It is set in an animal shelter for a reason. It's the last place animals go when they aren't wanted because of behavioral issues, which being a serial killer definitely is. If it was about BDSM, I'd have been the first person to notice (you might want to not assume just because someone disagrees that a movie is about BDSM knows nothing about the topic; the lecture didn't make the movie any more about BDSM than it wasn't before).

In short, kudos for you somehow managing to inject some BDSM theme into a movie that clearly had none. I think you might be seeing it in the movie because you want to see it in the movie. ;)


vegicat, it's polite board behaviour that if you're going to give away a massive plot twist, you should indicate that you're going to do so by, I don't know, maybe using the spoiler feature or putting 'spoiler' in the post title.

Sort your posts out.


Um, sort yourself out, mate.

IMDb is a site for people to discuss movies they have actually watched. If someone wants to get a generic review with no spoilers, there are plenty of other sites for that.

I didn't start this thread. And, if you actually believe that this movie is about BDSM, then you should take it up with the original poster, because if this movie is about BDSM, which I don't think it is, then the OP was full of spoilers.

Your attempt to chasten me for my "behaviour" for repsponding to spoiler claims that the movie is about something I don't think it is has failed miserably.

But, you know what? I'm one of those bitchy, opinionated people who is quite willing to take two seconds to change my comment and put in spoiler alerts, even though the original poster didn't at all.

Of course, we all know that people are going to click on my comment anyway, just to see what the supposed "spoiler alert" is... and they're going to be disappointed, because it's nowhere as massive as you claim. ;)


vegicat, first of all kudos for editing your post.

But I'm not at all interested in any BDSM aspect. That's not at all what I meant in my comment to you. There are big twists here and you basically told us the whole story before your edit.

If people click on a spoiler without having seen a film, they're idiots but it's up to them. But at least they've been warned upfront.


My apologies!Looking back, I obviously confused you with the OP (who seems to be wanting to see BDSM where it doesn't exist), which was my mistake. I will be more careful next time to make sure I am replying to who I think I am replying to.

I do take your point. I personally think it is ridiculous that people who haven't seen a movie interact on a site dedicated to discussing movies people have actually seen, and then whinge because someone discusses it without blocking spoilers, so I am a bit biased in that regard.

I do write reviews on IMDb, and don't include spoilers when I do so. But, in the forums, I tend not to. Just today I was conversing with the director of a really great movie, "Numb", in the movie thread, and he was spoilering all over the place!

I wish that instead of reading glowing reviews I had read some spoilers before I made the horrific mistake of having watched "Cloud Atlas", but I have finally come to terms with having wasted my time watching that train wreck. ;)

I have no plan to stop detailing my opinions about movie plots, but I have no problem editing to block spoiiers if asked to do so politely, which you did. In this case, I got carried away a bit, because I generally liked the movie for what it was, and don't want people who haven't seen it to think it's about BDSM when it isn't. Nothing against that, but it's like claiming a movie is about crazy cat ladies just because a woman in the movie has a cat, lol.


Thanks vegicat, I thought there might have been a mix-up. Done the same myself before now.

I'm off to have a look at Numb now!
